Draw a New Reality™

Draw a New Reality™

Don't Miss This Special Offer - It's So Good!

There is a Secret to Great Mental Health, Physical Well-Being and
Enhanced Creativity.

And You Can Experience It!

Turn Up Your Volume. Are YOU ready to DRAW A NEW REALITY?

Sophia Zoe Can Help You
To Have The Life You Want, to
Draw A New Reality!

Transformation can be fun!

Absolutely no artistic talent needed. Anyone can join.

This is about using artistic techniques to promote healing. It is not about producing works of art...although that's a fun benefit.

Therefore, no artistic skills are needed to join. You will learn some basic art skills.

Imagine the success


with hands-on support and
the guidance you need...

Draw A New Reality for YOUR PROBLEMS

with simple, yet surprisingly effective exercises designed to help you neutralize grief, trauma, shame, guilt and more. No need to share personal details. No re-triggering. Just gentle healing directly to the root cause of your distress, leaving you with a sense of peace and self-acceptance.

Draw A New Reality for YOUR PERSPECTIVE

with easy exercises that will help you expand your vision and see things differently, in a way that keeps you positive and grounded. Your mind, heart and soul will be lighter. You will gain fresh personal and global awareness.

Draw A New Reality for YOUR POTENTIAL

by gaining clarity from the specially-designed activities that will give you courage and confidence. Your decision-making and problem-solving skills will increase because your intuition will improve. You can boldly be yourself and fulfill your mission. Reach your potential and be proud of yourself.

Draw A New Reality for YOUR PRODUCTIVITY

by gently clearing past memories that do not serve you, so you can be free of those filters fogging up your vision and causing procrastination. You will know exactly what to do to move your life forward. You will inspire those around you, influencing them with your powerful example.

Draw A New Reality for YOUR PLAYTIME

by following the program and having fun without guilt! Your creativity and imagination will come alive and your joy will increase, while your self-expression gives you a sense of value and emotional balance. 

Sophia Zoe's Draw A New Reality is an on-going, group healing program using Holistic Creativity.

You may join at anytime.
You will be a member for one year.

This program focuses on creative ways (mostly doodling) to neutralize the charge of past negative experiences so that you are clear and balanced, to make decisions based on current facts, not past filters. Your perspective and paradigms will shift. Embrace the healing power of art - mostly doodling.

This is how to be emotionally mature, increase your inner peace, stop procrastinating, eradicate fear, be confident and feel happy. Up-level your mind and actions to influence your community, inspire your family and be the kind of person you can be proud of.


Sophia Zoe’s

DRAW A NEW REALITY program includes…

  • Art Club - Create Art Inspired by a Theme or Story. Every Tuesday from 10:00 -11:00 AM Eastern ($10,000 value)

  • ​Art Exercises to Improve Your Skills and Discover Your Style ($5,000 value)

  • Supplemental Resources Created for the Group’s Specific Needs ($2,000 value)

  • Video Recordings of all Art Club Sessions

  • BONUS: 1 Intuitive Drawing Analysis of Your Work, Over Zoom ($300 value)


Bundle Value $24,500. Regular Cost $5000 Annually

Limited-Time Special: $2500 USD

Deepen Your Healing
Increase Your Creativity

Love Your New Community

Sophia Zoe’s Draw A New Reality
healing through art program is for YOU if...

You want to let go of past hurts, wounds, traumas, grief, shame, betrayal, anger and dysfunction ​

You want clarity on what to do to move toward your purpose and mission, as soon as possible

You are ready to overcome procrastination, fear, limiting beliefs and anything else holding you back

You need to improve your health, relax and manage pain

You crave creative self-expression and maybe have felt stuck or blocked, artistically

You want to hone your intuition to be your trusted inner guidance system

You want a community of supportive friends

You want to help yourself and other people

You want to truly find joy in life! 



Sophia Zoe’s Draw A New Reality program is a unique and elegant method of accessing your body’s innate healing potential, through the vehicle of creative self-expression.

Everyone has multiple layers of ‘energetic debris’ that clogs their thinking and perspective, causing confusion and poor behaviour. You could spend decades in talk therapy and still feel awful. Art allows gentle processing and releasing.

Healing is a process. Sophia believes the process can be fun, light and insightful. Most adults lack fun and joy in their lives. This program will reward you with both. The deepening takes time, so commit to showing up every week and giving yourself this care and exploration.

Draw A New Reality is an on-going program, with a monthly workshop and weekly Art Club, all on Zoom. You can join at any time, and leave at any time.

Not only are you going to learn how to be more creative and heal your body and mind, but you will do it in real time, in a supportive community. You can continue on your own time, with the exercises posted in the private Facebook group.

You’ll have every resource you need at your fingertips to avoid getting stuck in your healing and artistic journey. Feel completely supported as you level up and draw a new reality.

As long as you are willing to do some fun and relaxing creative exercises, you can expect success! Whether you’re emotionally drained, physically compromised, or artistically blocked... this is for you! You deserve this investment in yourself.

And when you're in a creative flow state, your intuition is honed. Accurate intuition is one of the greatest gifts we can develop. This improves creative problem-solving, too.

And who knows...you could end up creating works of art that not only chronicle your healing journey, but are beautiful enough to display in your home or sell!

“Let's create what's NEXT for you…  I’m here to help YOU connect to your desired future through artistic healing exercises. That’s why I created Draw A New Reality.”

- Sophia Zoe

  • Art Club - Create Art Inspired by a Theme or Story. Every Tuesday from 10:00 -11:00 AM Eastern ($10,000 value)

  • Extra Art Exercises to Build Skills and Develop Style ($5,000 value)

  • Healing Resources Created for the Group’s Specific Needs ($2,000 value)

  • BONUS: 1 Intuitive Drawing Analysis of Your Work, Over Zoom ($300 value)


Bundle Value $24,500, Regular Cost $999 monthly

SPECIAL: $5000 USD per year

Shift Your Perspective
Feel Good In Your Body

Expand Your Creativity

You May Experience Any, Or All, Of These Benefits:

○ Increase your productivity and motivation  

○ Dissolve energetic walls around your heart   

○ Feel confident being your authentic self  

○ Heal your trauma response patterns

○ Manifest more desired experiences

○ Awaken vibrant inner well-being

○ Feel more security and courage

○ Reduce stress and overwhelm          

○ Balance your emotional state

○ Expand your art skills          

○ Reduce your anxiety

○ Have fun, be happy      

○ Thrive and prosper

○ And much more!

To bring healing, beauty and joy into the world.

Through this monthly group art therapy program, energy healing and creative exercises will be used to activate healing and produce art, while having fun.

DRAW A NEW REALITY is for anyone willing to show up for themselves, do a little creative, fun work and allow their spirit to unlock their glorious potential. Must be willing to participate fully and be supportive of others in a kind, non-judgmental way.


“Really fun and surprisingly affecting exercises.”

“I felt much more than I expected to, from doodling.”

“My depression lifted and my neck stopped hurting.”

“My sadness turned to excitement for my life!”

“Your sense of humor is great! I’m still LOL!”

“Everything you said was on point. Very wise woman.”

“Fascinating that just drawing did so much for me.”

“Remarkable results for my back pain and heartache.”

“You are masterful with removing people’s trauma.”

“My headache went from a 6 to a 0 in one exercise.”

“Your presence alone is very healing and nurturing.”

“Thanks for your insight and advice. All great!”

“It was so much fun and I learned about myself.”

“Wow! You gave us so many tools. Thank you!”

DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS OFFER!  ↓Click the Button Below ↓

  • Art Club - Create Art Inspired by a Theme or Story. Every Tuesday from 10:00 -11:00 AM Eastern ($10,000 value)

  • Extra Art Exercises to Build Skills and Develop Style ($5,000 value)

  • Healing Resources Created for the Group’s Specific Needs ($2,000 value)

  • BONUS: 1 Intuitive Drawing Analysis of Your Work, Over Zoom ($300 value)


Bundle Value $24,500, Regular Cost $999 monthly

SPECIAL: $5000 USD per year

Deepen Your Healing
Increase Your Creativity

Love Your New Community

Sophia Zoe and her team are dedicated, passionate and relentless in the mission to bring beauty, peace and joy into the world. The strategies in this program do just that. Join now!

Everyone needs mentors. I'd love to be yours!
Here are some of my mentors and influencers.

Change Your Life With Art

Tap into your creativity and find your joy, while having fun learning about yourself.
Heal issues easily, in a relaxing and supportive way.

I, Sophia Zoe, am a healer. I have no training as a visual artist. My last art class was in grade eight. I'm delighted that I could teach myself art techniques that I will share with program participants. They are fun and easy.
Below are several of my drawings, done while working through my emotions.

The Performer

My exploration of frustration as an actor.

Groovy Grass

This came out of feeling defeated, tired and worn out.

Into The Fire

Inspired by needing to take action, but feeling afraid.

Frog and Eyeballs

My thoughts on industries impacting nature.

Sophia Zoe has been an energy healer since 1995. Clients in over 50 countries rely on her expertise in clearing the effects of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues. Stress and unprocessed trauma cause nearly all problems. Sophia has been trained in 25 healing methods and uses the most appropriate ones to serve clients during private or group sessions, based on their needs.

GUARANTEE: A smart person like you knows that no logical healer can offer a guarantee of what your perception of healing is. There are so many variables outside of my control. What I can guarantee is that I will do my absolute best for you. I will work on healing myself as things happen, so that I show up as a clear vessel, to help you during your sessions. I aim to always give you the best possible experience. - Sophia Zoe

The content and information contained in this program are for educational and entertainment purposes only. Sophia Zoe is not a licensed medical doctor nor a clinical psychotherapist, although she has been trained by such. This program is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Always consult your primary healthcare provider before any change in your routine. These statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada.
© 2023 Sophia Zoe - All Rights Reserved Contact [email protected]


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